Saturday 6 September 2008

Disaster with floods.

Got stuck in a flood and none of the extra gadgets or ground clearance worked !

The past few days in UK has seen some very heavy rain and a lot of flooding. I was caught in a flash flood, with water running off fields. It is a dip in a small farm road which had collected a large pool of water. As was about to get to the end of the flooded area and drive out of the dip, the engine suddenly died on me. With the waters rising I had to get out of the car and recover my things.

AA doesn't recover you from water. Initially they said they would come within an hour. Then they said they were busy and wouldn't come at all until I got the car clear of water - there suggestion was to call the fire brigade. I am sure they had more important things to do than this.

So I needed the help of a friendly farmer to tow the car out of the water. The electric hand brake had decided to activate and couldn't be released - so luckily the tractor had enough power to pull the car the few metres - and didn't break the tow hook in doing so.

With the car out of the water, the AA would then tow the car home (not to a garage because they were closed). All types of warning signs came on the screen..

So now left with a wet soggy interior and. The warning signs have disappeared apart from low battery - but the car is not happy about starting.

Have tried to dry out the interior as best as I can until I wait for the garage to pick up the car.

Very frustrating. When I look at how deep the water was. It was relatively shallow, about at the level of the silver/plastic strip below the bumper.

I have seen much smaller less powerful cars negotiate roads deeper than that.

The only thing I can think is that one corner dipped into a pot hole which upset the electrics - cutting the engine for a second - which lost me the momentum. Then I was stuck.

Many thanks to the friendly farmer.

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